Classic business shoe with Oxford lacing – sporty elegant. The smooth, cognac coloured front with gentle vintage shading and distinctive sole with visible seam presents modest elegance. The special touch is created by the closed lacing with hole decoration.
It’s elegant and at the same time athletic character makes the shoe versatile.
The upper is made of high quality calfskin with optimal respiratory properties. The sole and inner lining are also made of genuine leather. This supports the basis for excellent wearing comfort and comfortable running characteristics – even in the summer.
You can wear this shoe at any time for classic business or at business casual occasions. The wearer is always on the safe side.
Marc –
Ein klassischer aber trotzdem sportlicher Schuh.
Zeitlos und sehr bequem. Definitiv einer meiner Favouriten.
Verifizierter Kauf. Mehr Informationen
Marc –
Ein klassischer aber trotzdem sportlicher Schuh.
Zeitlos und sehr bequem. Definitiv einer meiner Favouriten.
Nicht verifizierter Kauf. Mehr Informationen